Agriculture, Livestock & Pastoral Economy

Agriculture, Livestock, and Pastoral Economy

Agriculture (Crop Production

The sector is composed of crop development; agricultural mechanization services, agribusiness and marketing, extension & training services, and agri-nutrition promotion divisions.

Vision: to be the leading agency in provision of services towards achieving food security for all, employment, and wealth creation in Garissa County

Mission: to improve the livelihood of the people of Garissa County by promoting competitive farming as a business through, local policy formulation, use of appropriate technology, effective extension services and sustainable resources management

Strategic objectives:

  1. To develop legal framework and creation of enabling environment for the sector to develop.
  2. To facilitate increased productivity and agricultural output through extension, advisory support services, technology application and pest and disease management.
  3. To promote market and product development by adopting a value chain approach.
  4. To strengthen human resource development including monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and coordination of staff functions within the department.
  5. To facilitate accessibility of affordable and quality inputs.
  6. To promote conservation of the environment and natural resources through sustainable land use practices.
  7. To mainstream and promote climate change resilient technologies in agricultural production systems.


To promote and facilitate production of food and agro-based raw materials in an environmentally sustainable manner, for food security, employment and wealth creation and poverty reduction in Garissa County.


The Livestock development department comprises of the following 4 divisions (sub programmes). This is the structure approved by the CPSB.

  1. Livestock production & Range management
  2. Veterinary Services
  3. Livestock Marketing & Value Addition
  4. Leather Development

Vision: To be globally competitive in delivery of efficient and effective livestock production and veterinary services.

Mission: To improve the livelihoods and food security of Garissa communities by promoting innovative, commercially oriented value chains-oriented livestock-based enterprises.

The mandate of livestock development department is to promote, regulate, and facilitate livestock production for socio economic development and industrialization.

The specific County level functions of the divisions/sub programs include:

(i) Livestock production & Range management

  • Enhance the productivity of the different livestock and livestock products value chains -Beef Production, sheep and goats – small stock and non-ruminant production,
  • Develop innovations/ technologies that will improve commercial feeds manufacturing within the County.
  • Improve the genetic vigor of our breeds through best bet breeding practices, technologies.
  • Disaster risk management – Relocations, Emergency water provision, Restocking, Destocking and Livestock Insurance.
  • Range resource Management services in both extensive (pastoral) and intensive (feedlots/ranches) production systems, advising on range water development, rangeland resource monitoring.
  • Increase knowledge and skills of farmers/livestock keepers through organized extension  Services.
  • Apiculture and Emerging livestock services including quality assurance of bee products and emerging livestock.
  • Engage in research and development initiatives to enhance productivity of our livestock value chains.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation including project planning and policy development and monitorin and evaluation of the projects.

(ii) Veterinary Services

  • Implementation of national veterinary policies
  • Development of relevant county veterinary policies and laws
  • Management of county abattoirs
  • Primary animal healthcare including vaccination campaigns.
  • Veterinary clinical services
  • Implementation of disease control programmes
  • Disease surveillance
  • Vector surveillance and control including tick and tsetse fly control.
  • Control of animal movement (intra and inter-counties)

Implementation of international treaties for the animal resource industry

  • Implementation of international standards on animal health, production, and food safety
  • Implementation of animal welfare standards.
  • Animal control and welfare, including- i. licensing of dogs; and ii. Facilities for the accommodation, care, and burial of animals.
  • Delivery of animal health, production, welfare, and food safety advisory/extension services.
  • Implementation of animal reproductive services including Artificial Insemination.
  • Collection and synthesis of data for county planning and reporting to the National Veterinary Services
  • Development of county-specific animal health and livelihoods programmes and projects
  • Implementation of national livestock programmes and projects.
  • Development of markets and value addition infrastructure.
  • Licensing of premises that sell meat, milk, hides, skins and other products of animal origin.
  • Veterinary technical responsibility for livestock sale yards, livestock markets and associated infrastructure
  • Implementation of standards for value addition to animal products including meat, milk, eggs, hides, skins, wool, and feathers.
  • Participation in research agenda setting.
  • Implementation of national disaster management strategies
  • Counties in collaboration with National Veterinary Services will monitor export establishments and ports of entry veterinary services within their areas of jurisdiction.
  • County Veterinary Service Providers shall collaborate with the Department of Fisheries and Kenya Wildlife Service in matters of fish and wildlife health respectively.
  • County Veterinary Service Providers shall collaborate with the Ministry responsible for health services in their respective counties in matters of zoonosis and the ‘One Health approach.’

(iii) Livestock Marketing & Value Addition

  • Development of markets and value addition infrastructure
  • Management of livestock and livestock products marketing information system
  • Promotion and gazettement of livestock market days in all tertiary and secondary livestock markets in the Sub counties,
  • Support and promotion of Livestock products value addition and Agribusiness development,
  • Knowledge and skills development of farmers on development of enterprise development plans along the different value chains.

(iv) Leather Development

Hides & skins and leather are by product of beef industry and are of economic significance in our domestic gross product and earns substantial foreign exchange. Hides are produced from large livestock e.g., Came, Cattle and Calves and skins are from small livestock e.g., Goats, Sheep and Pigs/ Rabbits. Hides & skins are source of raw materials in tanning industries and leather is the final product after processing Hide& skins through several chemicals processing known as tanning. The core functions of the sub-programme include, to:

  • Promote, direct, coordinate and harmonize all activities in the County leather sector.
  • Monitor the production trends of leather and leather products.
  • Implement relevant training and demonstrations on best practices to stakeholders for production of high-quality hides, skins, and leather products.
  • Collect, store, analyze and disseminate data on hides and skins in the County.
  • Undertaking hides and skins and leather improvement projects activities.
  • Undertaking inspection and licensing of curing premises and stores for issuance of registration of premises certificate.
  • Monitor and advise tanners and traders on proper waste disposal from tanneries and hides and skins curing.
  • Set standards and enforce compliance in collaboration with other relevant institutions.
  • Mobilize technical and financial support for the leather sub sector.

Sector Goal(s): To contribute to the Transformation of livestock production into commercially oriented enterprise that ensure sustainable food and nutrition security in Kenya.

Garissa County Headquarters

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

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