Governor Nathif Holds Talks With WFP Country Boss

Governor Nathif Holds Talks With WFP Country Boss

H.E Governor Nathif Jama today received a delegation of top officials from the World Food Programme.
The delegation was led by Deputy Country Director Mr. Emmanuel Bigenimana and also included WFP Head of Resilience Ms. Caroline Muchai, Head of Capacity Strengthening Mr. Benard Nyatuga, Yussuf Ali – Head of Garissa Field Office and Philip Looniyo – Programme Policy Officer among others.
The purpose of the high-level visit was for the WFP team to find out the priorities of the County Government in order to incorporate them in their upcoming Country Strategic Plan 2023-2027. The meeting discussed areas the two partners could collaborate on especially in the areas of resilience livelihoods, market access, nutrition, school feeding program, emergency preparedness response and disaster risk management.
Governor Nathif said he was impressed by the work WFP was doing in the county and expressed hope the new WFP strategic plan and the new CIDP would expand the cooperation into new areas and help graduate more people into being self sustaining.
On his part, Mr. Bigenimana promised the new strategic plan would capture the priorities outlined by the various county departments, and would help propel the cordial relationship between the two institutions to make significant change in the county.
Present during today’s meeting was County Secretary Mohamud Hassan, CECM Culture & Gender Hon. Hawa Abdi and CECM Trade & Enterprise Development Hon. Mohamed Suleiman, CECM County Affairs Hon. Zahra Musa, Deputy Director Health, Director M&E Health, Director Agriculture, Director Livestock, Director ECDE, Director Water, Director Special Programs, and Farhiya Ali – Director County Liaison Office.
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