Roads, Transport & Public Works

Roads, Transport, Public Works, and Housing

The sector comprises of Roads, Transport, and public Works.

Vision: to be a leading provider of quality and efficient road and transport network for sustainable development of Garissa County.

Mission: To provide efficient, affordable, and reliable transport and infrastructure services for sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, maintenance and effective management of all infrastructure facilities and Transport services across Garissa County.

Goal: To develop, maintain and manage all county roads effectively and efficiently and ensure better Transport services within Garissa County.

A total of 2,700.6 km is classified as road network coverage comprising 1,637.84 km under county government and 1,062.76 km under national government. Of the total road network 420 km is covered by gravelled surface, 2,245.1 km earth surface and 221 km of bitumen surface.

In 2023-2027 the subsector of Roads and Transport seeks to add on to the achievement by having more paved roads in the county while also expanding and maintaining rural access roads within the county. Information in this section is presented in Table 16.

Garissa County Headquarters

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

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