Water, Environment and Natural Resources

Water, Environment, Energy, Climate Change & Natural Resources

The Department of Water, Environment, Energy & Natural Resources is mandated to coordinate the functions of four sub-sectors:

  • Water
  • Irrigation
  • Environment
  • Energy
  • Climate change
  • Natural Resource (Forestry, Wildlife & Mining)

Vision: To be the leading sector in the provision of a clean, healthy, safe and sustainably managed Environment and Natural resources

Mission: To facilitate good governance in the protection, restoration, conservation, development and management of the environment and natural resources for equitable and sustainable development


  1. To enhance access to clean, safe, adequate, and affordable water.
  2. To improve provision and access to sanitation systems and promote hygienic practices.
  3. To improve access and availability to quality water for livestock and wildlife.
  4. To provide safe and sustainable water and sanitation services in all schools and health facilities.
  5. To Enhance Environmental Management Systems.
  6. To Facilitate Management, Utilization & Conservation of Forestry & Wildlife Resources
  7. To Sustainably Facilitate the Exploration & Exploitation of Renewable Energy Sources e.g.,   Wind, Solar, Biogas & Wood Fuel.
  8. To Facilitate Sustainable Exploitation and Management of Mineral Resources.
  9. To Coordinate and oversee the Integration of Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Measures in All Sectoral Plans.

Garissa County Headquarters

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

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